Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Who I've Been

So, over the years, I've had a few internet-reachable userids. I had a bunch of addresses while at Penn State:
Plus had a few accounts I'd scored at schools and organizations around the US while attending Penn State (had accounts at UCR, Denver School of Mining, Case Western Reserve University and one or two others. I was also a fairly early adopter of personal internet. So, I managed to collect a couple of addresses before buying my own domain name:
Of course, once Email became part of life in the working world, I had a few there, as well: (I think)
I've also got a PSU Alumni Association email, floating out there, somewhere. I've got email addresses from some organizations I was part of (e.g., ACM and IEEE). But, none of them were really used fororiginating content, so they aren't searchable.

Unfortunately, it seems there's far less findable by Google than there used to be. And, what is findable, seems incomplete. While I'm able to turn up a few hundred Usenet posts from the 1990s (and the Internet Archive's saved some of my old web sites), there's not nearly as much retrievable as I know that I've posted.

I sometimes like to see what, of my old Internet-presence, I can dig up. Some have said that "the Internet never forgets." For better or worse, my experience seems to show that to not be completely accurate. It seems that, each time I look, there's less and less of the old stuff out there to be found. I'm also an email packrat, but various data accidents and media crashes have caused much of that to disappear. In all, it feels like my past is eroding. Oh well, I can prove what an early-adopting, Internet-relic I am ...for now

Speaking of early adoption... When InterNIC was the only game in town, I'd registered my domain early enough to score "thj2" as my InterNIC "handle". That's gone, too, of course. Lost it when I moved from NetSol to GoDaddy.

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