Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's All in Your Point of Reference

Today, we had our weekly project-team meeting at work. It's a fairly large team and there were some new people in the meeting. I'm not real good keeping track of names - I'm more a visual person (i'll remember faces forever but can never match to a name, somehow).

At any rate, the meeting is a long one and runs well into the normal "lunch hour". So, after the meeting ended, several of us headed out in search of sustenance. As is often the case, after meetings are over, they remain a topic of conversation (usually related to frustrations due to the meetings - such as from their content and their length). One of our lunch group was making reference to another person who'd spoken in the meeting. I was drawing a blank on who they were referring to (we all talk in this meeting, at some point, even if only briefly). To try to clarify for me, I was told, "it was the guy with the unique hair." Now, given the some of the people I hang out with (and some of my own past hair "experiments"), I couldn't recall anyone in the meeting who had particularly notable or unique hair. I didn't recall anyone with any particularly radical hairdos. I didn't recall anyone with any particularly unnatural hues in their hair. 

In essence, the point of reference clarification was about as useful as being told "look for the guy in black" at one of the concerts or clubs I go to. Oh well...

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